Finding Time for Books

I have to admit, COVID has done a number on my book consumption. You wouldn’t think it would. I’m home more so I should have more time for that, right?

But no.

My schedule pre-COVID included a lot of driving for my job so I would listen to books in the car. I could easily go through several books a month. It was great! Audible loved me! Now I sit home in front of my computer. I have a lot more paperwork and I have to make sure I get out of my chair on a regular basis. My car trips recently have been to the chiropractor. Sitting too much in front of a computer screen evidently is not good for your back. Or neck. Or shoulders.

Things are opening up again thank goodness but I’m probably not going to be back to my old driving schedule. I miss books. I’ve got to develop different habits.

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6 Tips for Busy Homeschool Parents

You don’t have to be your kids’ only teacher

I was recently asked by a mom how I did it when all five of my boys were home. How did I teach all of them at their different levels? All the different subjects? And then grade everything too? I’ve had other parents ask how I do it all now, working full time and homeschooling only one kid.

I didn’t, and I don’t.

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Even Superheroes Need Help Sometimes!

And the superhero in this scenario is YOU!

We all want to be a superhero to our kids. We are the cook, taxi driver, event coordinator, education facilitator, and chief bather and bottle washer, among many other things. And just like in the comic books and movies, sometimes the superhero fails. Sometimes they need help.

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