The Antifragility of Genius

I’ve been listening to a fascinating book on Audible (have I mentioned how much I like Audible lately?) Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. It is hitting on something I’ve been concerned about ever since I decided to share my Genius Paradigm ideas.

When I first started talking about the Genius Paradigm, I didn’t want to sound like Mr. Rogers just telling everyone that they are “special.” Not that they aren’t special – I love Fred Rogers! But he was called out as one of the reasons for the entitlement problem that we have today, and I don’t want anyone to think I support entitlement. I feel the people who blamed Mr. Rogers didn’t get what he was saying. He didn’t mean that you didn’t have to work for things or that everyone should get a trophy.

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5 Helpful Books – Action-Oriented

When family or friends come to me with a challenge, I usually send them away with a list of books. It has gotten so bad that my boys will laugh, and before I even get the words out, say, “Let me guess. You have a book that I should read?” This month I’m going to continue my series to explain the six characteristics that will help you live and share your genius. The fifth characteristic is Action-Oriented. Enjoy!

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5 Helpful Books – Optimism

When family or friends come to me with a challenge, I usually send them away with a list of books. It has gotten so bad that my boys will laugh, and before I even get the words out, say, “Let me guess. You have a book that I should read?” This month I’m going to continue my series to explain the six characteristics that will help you live and share your genius. The third characteristic is OPTIMISM. Enjoy!

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5 Helpful Books – Resolution

When family or friends come to me with a challenge, I usually send them away with a list of books. It has gotten so bad that my boys will laugh, and before I even get the words out, say, “Let me guess. You have a book that I should read?” This month I’m going to continue my series to explain the six characteristics that will help you live and share your genius. The second characteristic is RESOLUTION. Enjoy!

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5 Helpful Books – Perspicacity

When family or friends come to me with a challenge, I usually send them away with a list of books. It has gotten so bad that my boys will laugh, and before I even get the words out, say, “Let me guess. You have a book that I should read?” This month I’m going to start on a series that will help explain the six characteristics that will help you live and share your genius. The first characteristic is PERSPICACITY. Enjoy!

Perspicacity is a big word – but we are talking about genius, so let’s use a big word! Perspicacity has to do with perception, insight, and discernment. Rene Descartes said that intelligence consisted of perspicacity and sagacity. NASA considers perspicacity to be the most important characteristic for its astronauts to have (“Scientist-Astronauts: Only the “Perspicacious” Need Apply”, Science, 1966). Here are a few books for different ages that can help you and your family develop this trait.

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Doing Hard Things – Part 4

Read Part 1 HERE.
Read Part 2 HERE.
Read Part 3 HERE.

Once I got back to our room after falling out on our rafting trip, I immediately got in the shower to warm up. I stood in hot water as it helped me stop shivering. I still wasn’t warm at my core, so I dressed in warm, comfortable clothes and got into bed and promptly fell asleep.

When I woke up, my husband tried to show me some of the pictures the professional photographer took. He looked it up on his phone, and it was small and hard to see. It freaked him out when I fell out. He wanted to keep reliving it. I, on the other hand, did not. I needed a little time.

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Doing Hard Things – Part 1

My husband, son, and I were able to attend a camp this summer. They usually host hundreds of kids, but due to the current situation and regulations, they could not have kids sleepover unattended. They did an excellent job of being flexible and finding ways to still serve their community. It is a high adventure camp, and they are used to having campers do much of the work. The counselors have had to shift their viewpoint. They no longer have campers; they have guests. It is a different paradigm. And they have nailed it.

I attended this camp several times when I was young, and all five of my boys have been campers here at least a couple of times. Our youngest was supposed to be here for two weeks this summer. I love this camp for so many reasons, but the one that I’m writing about today is that it encourages my family and me to do hard things.

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A Better Way of Learning: Go With the Flow

Imagine yourself working on a project. You are really getting into it, and the ideas are coming fast and furious. You are making connections and are really getting excited about what you are learning and what you will be able to share.

And then the bell rings.

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5 Reasons to Homeschool

I took two years to embrace the idea of homeschooling. It was absolutely not something I saw myself doing, but I felt like I needed to do in the circumstances I was put in. It was scary, and it was taking on a HUGE responsibility! If I screwed up my kids, it was ALL my fault! And it wasn’t just their academics. It was their self-esteem and socialization. It was a tough decision and one of the best ones I made in my life.

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How do you want to live your life? In the past? Or looking towards the future? Do you want to live the story of your past over and over again? Or do you want to be the protagonist of your story and live the life you want to write for yourself? It is your choice!

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