The MAGIC Word!

“I want it ALL!” 

I kind of feel like the petulant Violet in the Willy Wonka film.  I want to do it all. I want to be a wonderful wife and mother, homeschool, have my own business, be a supportive part of my community, take care of my family, and… and… everything else.

But I don’t want to blow up like a blueberry.

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Attention Span of A Goldfish

The attention span of a goldfish is nine seconds.  That beats the average human, who only has an attention span of 8 seconds. 

And it is shrinking.

In 2000 the average human attention span was twelve seconds. That means that it has decreased by 25% in less than 25 years.


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My Twins Birth Story

Twenty-six years ago

The woman on the other side of the curtain was having a hard time. Her baby was crying, and she couldn’t get it to stop. Meanwhile, I was sobbing. My babies weren’t next to me. I wasn’t even sure where they were.   

The day before, I had gone for one of my regular “not-regular” doctor’s appointments. Several months earlier, when I thought I was just getting an ultrasound to see if I was really having twins, my husband and I discovered they were identical and had a problem. Something called twin-to-twin-transfusion syndrome. They only gave them a 50% chance of survival.

I didn’t accept that.

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Seasons in Life

I’ve talked to a few people recently who wonder how to do it all.  Educate their kids (and often others), keep a marriage healthy, keep their home and family taken care of, AND realize their own genius.  

It can be a challenge!

I’m not advocating that YOU do it all.  Creating a support system is critical for your emotional, mental, and physical health.

It also helps to understand that life has different seasons.

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