Book Group

Did you know that a group of butterflies is called a kaleidoscope? I use the butterfly in my logo to symbolize the transformation that we go through when we use a genius paradigm to see the world and ourselves. When you look at the world through a kaleidoscope you definitely see things differently! You turn things on their head and mix things up and see beauty where it might not have been before. It is definitely a different way of looking at things.

The Genius Paradigm Book Group is meant to be that kaleidoscope. We read a book each month to better see the world. Want to join us? There is no charge. You will be added to my monthly newsletter but you can unsubscribe at any time.

We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 6 pm Pacific.

OCTOBER’S BOOK – “Grandfather” by Tom Brown, Jr.

Tom Brown describes the man he called “Grandfather” as “truly one of the ancients, part man, part animal, and almost entirely spirit.” Grandfather taught Brown tracking, hunting, and other survival skills, but most importantly, he taught him how to live outside of the chaos of modern life. Grandfather’s story is also one of searching for his genius and trying to share it.

This month we will be meeting October 20th at 6 pm Pacific time using Zoom. Sign up today to get the zoom link.


SEPTEMBER’S BOOK – “Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About the People We Don’t Know” by Malcolm Gladwell.

I’m not going to lie.  This book was hard to read / listen to sometimes.  He includes some very hard topics like pedophilia, racism, police brutality, and more.  But even though it was hard, I finished it feeling better about the world and the people in it.  I feel like Gladwell helped me understand how the world works a little bit better.  He definitely made me think.

I highly recommend the Audible version of the book.  Gladwell narrates it and it is more like listening to a podcast than a book.  It is very well done.

AUGUST’S BOOK – The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict by The Arbinger Institute. Today our world needs more peace. I chose this book because I want to be able to help dissolve the conflict that is so prevalent. Do you want to join me? Let’s be that kaleidoscope that sees things differently and brings peace and beauty to the world!