Honoring the Fallen

The Soldiers and the Children

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend but I don’t feel comfortable saying “happy” Memorial Day.  It is a day of remembering men and women who gave their all. Literally.

No matter how horrific or mundane, their deaths have meaning.  As do their lives.  

They fought for the principles our country stands for.  Things like freedom, equality, and the rule of law.  They did this by signing up for the military.  With this act, they chose meaningful lives. And sadly, deaths.

We need to help our children find meaning.

I mourn for the children who have lost their lives in senseless violence.  I also mourn for the lives of those who commit it. 

There is a serious mental health crisis, especially in our youth.  And they need our help.  We need to help them build meaningful lives.

This is not a suggestion for youth to all join the military.  It may be the answer for some but what I am hoping to share is much broader. 

We need to change the narrative.

I’ve heard from so many parents whose teens and young adults are having difficulty finding direction.  And if they do, they don’t see any longevity.  

They’ve accepted the narrative that the world is going to end.

And it is no wonder.  Everyone is telling them this.  The politicians, the environmentalists, the economists.  Just turn your television on.  Or open your favorite social media site.  This message is flooding the airwaves.

And that is so wrong.

We are taking away their future before it even happens.  We are taking away their hope and meaning. And by taking away their future, we may be taking away our own.

These young people are the ones that can solve the problems of the world.  If we give them the support they need.

Our children’s lives should have meaning.  I feel that is one of the things our soldiers died for.

If you have a child who needs meaning in their lives, I’d love to talk to you and hopefully help.  

Email me at info@realizinggenius.com.

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