The Ultimate Career – Homeschool Mom

Have you ever taken a survey and tried to figure out what your “career” was?  Years ago I was stopped in a mall for a survey (that used to be a thing before the internet) and the closest thing they could categorize me as on their list was a “housewife”.  WOW!  Did they regret that!  They sure got an earful.  My husband called me that word one time and sincerely regretted it.  I did not marry an inanimate object.  And a house has never been the focus of my career.

I have the ULTIMATE career.

One of my favorite quotes is from G. K. Chesterton:

“The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only, and that is to support the ultimate career.”

I don’t think my mom had ever heard this quote but she taught me something similar – that being a parent is the most important job you can have.

I always knew I wanted to be a parent.  It wasn’t until a 100-level course I put off until the last semester of my undergraduate degree did I know I also wanted to be a teacher.  A guest speaker came in and shared about teaching opportunities in our field and how teaching was a way to positively affect the future.

I had no clue that I would be able to combine all of these into a truly ULTIMATE career!

True – being a homeschool mom doesn’t pay well – at least in taxable income.  But there are many things that are more valuable.

  • Relationships
  • Flexibility
  • Autonomy
  • And much more…

And throughout my career, I’ve also been able to take the skills I’ve developed to generate an income.

My youngest is fifteen.  He has made the move to being more self-reliant and is taking responsibility for his own education.  I’m still in charge of his education but the job has become more of a facilitator and advisor. 

When he was a baby I was able to supplement our family’s income in different ways. 

Now I get to do it almost full time.

I am Realizing my Genius.

Would you like to as well?

As a homeschool mom, you have developed so many skills that you can share with others to make a difference in their lives.  And it can make a positive difference in your family income.

I know that one of the biggest reasons people don’t start homeschooling or have to stop is finances.  If you are in this position, I’d like to help.

I’ve gone through many trainings to teach personal finance and even was part of the educational advisory panel for the Federal Reserve!  

Most of all, I’ve been through it.  And I’m an entrepreneur.

I can help.

Email me at info@realizinggenius to set up a complimentary coaching call.

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