5 Helpful Books – Perspicacity

When family or friends come to me with a challenge, I usually send them away with a list of books. It has gotten so bad that my boys will laugh, and before I even get the words out, say, “Let me guess. You have a book that I should read?” This month I’m going to start on a series that will help explain the six characteristics that will help you live and share your genius. The first characteristic is PERSPICACITY. Enjoy!

Perspicacity is a big word – but we are talking about genius, so let’s use a big word! Perspicacity has to do with perception, insight, and discernment. Rene Descartes said that intelligence consisted of perspicacity and sagacity. NASA considers perspicacity to be the most important characteristic for its astronauts to have (“Scientist-Astronauts: Only the “Perspicacious” Need Apply”, Science, 1966). Here are a few books for different ages that can help you and your family develop this trait.

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The Arbinger Institute

Our Genius Paradigm book group is discussing “The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict” by the Arbinger Institute for our August 18, 2020 meeting. (If you would like to sign up JOIN HERE.) Before a book discussion, I look up information about the author to help me get additional insights into the book. This book doesn’t have an individual author. It was written by an “institute.” This makes me think of many questions. What does this Institute do? Who are the members? Why couldn’t one of the leaders write the book rather than have it be a group effort? How long has this organization been around? Etc. So I took a little time and did some research. What I found was pretty interesting!

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5 Helpful Books for Teaching Personal Finance & Entrepreneurship

When family or friends come to me with a challenge, I usually send them away with a list of books. It has gotten so bad that my boys will laugh, and before I even get the words out, say, “Let me guess. You have a book that I should read?” I’ve been asked several times recently about which books would help teach personal finance. I’ve taught classes and given workshops on this topic many times and have several favorites! Enjoy!

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Five Helpful Books for Groups

I’ve been in leadership roles for over a decade and have had to find books for the adults to read regularly. The great thing about having book discussions with a group is you can pick a book that deals with challenges you are having. Through the book discussion, your group can work together to gain insight on the best way to deal with it. It could be fiction or non-fiction. It is just the message that is important. And there could be several messages in one book! There are so many out there, but here are five that I can suggest:

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5 Helpful Picture Books

When family or friends come to me with a challenge, I usually send them away with a list of books. It has gotten so bad that my boys will laugh, and before I even get the words out, say, “Let me guess. You have a book that I should read?” With the people I mentor and my students, I usually assign the books so that we can talk about them together and apply the lessons directly to their life and challenges. This article is the third in my Five Helpful Books series, where I share books that I have read or know of that can help you in some way!

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5 Books to Inspire and Motivate You

When family or friends come to me with a challenge, I usually send them away with a list of books. It has gotten so bad that my boys will laugh, and before I even get the words out, say, “Let me guess. You have a book that I should read?” With the people I mentor and my students, I usually assign the books so that we can talk about them together and apply the lessons directly to their life and challenges. This article is the second in my Five Helpful Books series, where I share books that I have read or know of that can help you in some way! Enjoy!

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5 Books to Help You Learn More About Yourself

When family or friends come to me with a challenge, I usually send them away with a list of books that might be helpful. It has gotten to the point that my boys will laugh, and before I even get the words out, say, “Let me guess. You have a book that I should read?” With the people I mentor and my students, I usually assign the books so that we can talk about them together and apply the lessons directly to their life and challenges. This article is the first in a series where I share books that I have read or know of that can help you in some way! Enjoy!

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Grades are Obsolete


When I was working on my teaching credential, I had an assignment in one of the classes that I liked. While I’m sure my colleagues were stumped, I knew what to write. The prompt was, “What would you do if you no longer could give grades? How would you motivate your students?” I had been doing that for years!

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“Dare to Lead” (and more) by Brene Brown – Review

With my background in leadership education books that have “lead” or “leader” in the title tend to grab my attention. I am always looking for new information on how to be a better leader and encourage others to do the same. I found Brene Brown’s book “Dare to Lead” a year ago and have spent the last 12 months reading several other of her books as well as watching her TED talks on vulnerability and shame and her Netflix special, A Call to Courage. Something about her work speaks to my soul.

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Indistractable – Book Review

I have many things pulling on my attention and time, and that makes it hard for me to make time for the things that are important to me, like writing. When I heard “INDISTRACTABLE: Staying Focused in a World of Distractions” podcast from The Next Big Idea, I wanted more.

This podcast featured Nir Eyal, the author of the book Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose your Life. I subscribe to The Next Big Idea podcast, and it just turned up on my feed. I kept listening because he mentioned how parents were so concerned about screen time and the negative effect it is having on their kids. He offered not only a different way of thinking about it but also various solutions for the problem.

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