
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

I saw this quote on a t-shirt years ago. A girl was wearing it at a homeschool conference and I kept following her around until I could write it all down. It is most often attributed to Einstein.

I don’t really care who said it. It is brilliant. And true.

And it has become the foundation of my educational philosophy which I share on this website.

When I was getting my teaching credential I was asked why I teach. I used the above quote to explain it. I shared it with a Prezi. Click on the cartoon below to see the whole presentation.

I’ve studied the people most people consider to be geniuses and found that many if not most of them attribute their success not to genius but to certain characteristics. Einstein wasn’t the only one that felt that everyone is a genius. Everyone has a genius that can be nurtured and shared.

So, what is this paradigm thing? A paradigm is a way you see the world. If you have a Genius Paradigm, you see the genius in each person… including yourself!

YOU are a genius.

YOUR CHILD is a genius.

I hope you will join me in changing the world to help others see their genius too!

Share your genius and change the world!

Heidi Christianson

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